🟠Economy Model

DFund AI has two different economic systems to create a sustainable ecosystem. These systems will be successful with the use of suitable models. These models, created by considering the token economy, commission fees and other economic factors, support the ecosystem's growth; It offers valuable experience to users, investors and developers.

Well-designed economic models keep the ecosystem robust and sustainable, gaining users' trust and encouraging greater participation. The design of economic models considers the needs of all stakeholders in the ecosystem. For example, investors usually focus on making a profit, while developers focus more on growing the ecosystem.

We have created a design that responds to the focus of all stakeholders. That way, everyone in our ecosystem can earn, grow and thrive sustainably.

AI Projects Fundraising

This strategy aims to contribute to the ecosystem's growth by increasing the value of the FUNDAI token. Investors staking FUNDAI Tokens, projects using FUNDAI tokens when funding in investment rounds, and token burning after the entire purchasing process will reduce the token supply, leading to increased demand. That will increase the value of the FUNDAI token, and it will become more valuable.

That is a thoughtful way to ensure the sustainability of the DFund AI platform and offers investors the opportunity to profit and contribute to the ecosystem.

AI Models Marketplace

A commission will be charged as a service fee for the rental or purchase of each model displayed on the AI Models Marketplace.

With 20% of this commission, the FUNDAI token will be repurchased and sent to the burn wallet. In this way, the FUNDAI token supply will decrease.

70% of the commission fees will be spent on the ecosystem's growth.

The remaining 10% will be distributed to ecosystem developers. This way, the marketplace will reach more users, and developers can offer a better profit. That is how AI Models Marketplace's ecosystem will become more robust and sustainable.

Last updated